Pseudocyphellaria gallowayi
≡*Melaspilea gallowayi S.Kondratyuk in S. Kondratyuk & D.J. Galloway, Biblthca Lichenol. 57: 335 (1995).
Description : Lichenicolous. Ascomata at first immersed in thalline papillae, smooth or almost superficial and consisting of several, simple, parallel or frequently branched and ±stellate clusters of lirellate apothecia; at maturity forming typical Plectocarpon- like galls immersed in a common black tissue. Galls with conspicuous ±stellate clusters of lirellae, (0.2–)0.5–1(–1.5) × 0.1–0.2 mm, or sometimes with black pimples in the central part of ascomatal surface, with characteristic crenulate thalline margins (up to 0.5 mm thick) formed by lirellae; the disc mainly concave, sometimes convex, 1–1.5 mm diam.; black, carbonised tissues under apothecia 27–54.5(–72.5) μm tall. Hymenium hyaline, 80–130(–150) μm tall, I+ intense reddish orange, especially in upper parts, in ascal zone sometimes yellowish orange and even greenish blue at first, then reddish orange. Asci elongate-cylindrical to clavate, 45–67.5(–76) × 11–12.5 μm, 8-spored. Ascospores 1-septate, colourless, becoming ornamented and brownish when mature, (17.5)20–24.5(30.5) × 3–4.5 μm. Pycnidia immersed in stroma, near the centre of the ascomata. Conidia bacilliform, simple, hyaline, 5–6 × 1–1.2 μm.
N: Auckland (Waitakere Ra.); South Auckland (Mangaotaki Valley, near Pio Pio); Gisborne (Lake Waikaremoana). S: Westland (Camp Creek). Also in Victoria, Australia (Kondratyuk & Galloway 1995a).
Host : Pseudocyphellaria dissimilis.
Illustrations : Kondratyuk & Galloway (1995a: 333, fig. 1C, D; 334, fig. 2B); Ertz et al. (2005: 48, fig. 27; 49, figs 28, 29).
* Plectocarpon gallowayi is characterised by: ascomata consisting mainly of lirellate apothecia; a red-orange iodine reaction of the hymenium; and 1-septate ascospores.