Lichens Pan-Z (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition Pan-Z
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Parmotrema reparatum

P. reparatum (Stirt.) O.Blanco, A.Crespo, Divakar, Elix & Lumbsch, Mycologia 97 (1): 157 (2005).

Parmelia reparata Stirt., Scott. Nat. 4: 201 (1878).

Canomaculina reparata (Stirt.) Kurok., Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, ser. B, 27 (1): 2 (2001).

Description : Thallus loosely adnate, mineral grey, coriaceous, 10–20 cm diam. Lobes irregularly divided, rounded at apices, broadly crenate and ciliate at margins, cilia abundant and dense, 1.5–2.5 mm long. Upper surface glossy, effigurate-maculate, ±cracked with age, without isidia or soredia. Lower surface black, except for a very narrow, brown-black apical zone, minutely wrinkled, short-rhizinate or papillate even near apices, short rhizines less than 0.1 mm long; long rhizines formed in groups, thick, to 1 mm long. Apothecia common, pedicellate, 10–20 mm diam., exciple rugose, effigurate-maculate; disc brown to dark-brown, perforate. Hymenium 75–85 μm tall. Asci 70 × 26 μm. Ascospores 15–18 × 6–8 μm.

Chemistry : Thallus K+ yellow; medulla K+ yellow→red, C−, KC+ red, Pd+ orange; containing atranorin, salazinic and consalazinic acids (Kurokawa 2001: 2).


N: Sine loco, R. Gobby (BM). S: Canterbury (Ashburton, leg . H.H. Allan, 1920 [BM]). On rocks. Known also from E Australia (Kurokawa 2001: 2; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).

Parmotrema reparatum is characterised by: the effigurate-maculate upper surface; dimorphic rhizines; and a chemistry of atranorin, salazinic and consalazinic acids.

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