Peltularia R.Sant.
Type : Peltularia gyrophoroides R.Sant.
Description : Flora (1985: 367).
Peltularia is a small genus of four species included in the family Coccocarpiaceae (Eriksson et al. 2004; Pennycook & Galloway 2004; Eriksson 2005). The generitype, P. gyrophoroides R. Sant., is from Patagonia (Santesson 1944) and a recently described species, P. fuegiana Henssen & P.M. Jørg., known from Argentina (Prov. Tierra del Fuego), South Shetland Is, and South Georgia (Henssen & Jørgensen 2001; Øvstedal & Lewis Smith 2001) and P. austroshetlandica (Søchting & Øvstedal) P.M.Jørg., from South Shetland Is (Jørgensen 2005a). One species is known from alpine rocks on the subantarctic Campbell and Macquarie Is where it appears to be genuinely rare (Jørgensen & Galloway 1984).