Volume II (1970) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Monocotyledons except Graminae
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Luzula rufa var. albicomans Edgar

Var. albicomans Edgar in N.Z. J. Bot. 4, 1966, 168.

L. campestris × L. racemosa var. ulophylla Buch. in Öst. bot. Z.  48,  1898,  245.

Type: CHR, 143378, Junction of Mingha and Bealey Rivers, Canterbury, in sand on terrace, 2,200 ft, W. Burke, 23/12/1964.

Lvs 1.5–2.5 mm. wide, dark green or reddish grey, tips acute in young lvs, later obtuse, margins thickly covered with white, woolly hairs. Flowering stems (4)–7–12–(22) cm. tall, < 0.6 mm. diam. Fls us. < 2 mm. long. 2n = 12.

DIST.: S. East of the Southern Alps, between lat. 42º and 45º.

On dry stony ground near river beds, occ. within Raoulia mats, and in depleted tussock grassland.

 Var. albicomans was regarded by Buchenau as a hybrid on the basis of WELT 12705, Albertown, Lake Wanaka, D. Petrie, Nov., 1893.

 Var. albicomans appears to be more uniform than  var. rufa.

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