Lichens Pan-Z (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition Pan-Z
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Verrucaria serpuloides

V. serpuloides I.M.Lamb, Discovery Repts 25: 20 (1948).

Description : Flora (1985: 607).

A: On seashore rocks below the level of the lowest spring tides and therefore permanently submerged. Also known from the Palmer Peninsula in Antarctica (Lamb 1948a; Redón 1985; Øvstedal & Lewis Smith 2001: 361).


Illustrations : Lamb (1948a: 14, fig. 3E; pl. I, fig. 2; pl. II, fig. 1; pl. IV, fig. 8; 1973, 3, fig. 2; 4, fig. 3; 5, fig. 4).

Verrucaria serpuloides is quite distinct from V. mucosa (q.v.), the only species with which it may be said to have any affinity, by the much larger and prominent perithecia. It is of interest in being the only known marine lichen which passes its entire existence under water, being found at depths of 4–10 m below mean low tide level (Lamb 1970, 1973).

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