Volume II (1970) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Monocotyledons except Graminae
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Rostkovia Desv.

ROSTKOVIA Desv., 1808

Fls hermaphrodite, solitary, terminal; subtending bracts 2, the lower lf-like, much > fl., the upper ± = fl. Stamens 6, slightly < tepals. Ovary unilocular. Capsule ovoid or obovoid. Seeds ∞, without tails. Glab., rhizomatous perennial herbs. Stems erect, terete, with brown sheathing bracts at the base. Lvs us. ∞, crowded at base of stem. A genus of 2 spp. The type sp., R. magellanica (Lam.) Hook. f., has a southern circumpolar distribution, while R. tristanensis is endemic to Tristan da Cunha.

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