Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Euphorbia stricta L.

*E. stricta L., Systema  ed. 10 (2):   104   (1759)

upright spurge

Glabrous, erect annual. Stems up to c. 80 cm high, usually not branched at base. Lvs alternate, exstipulate, sessile, finely serrate, obovate-oblong, acute, cordate at base, 10-30-(50) mm long. Terminal umbel 2-5-rayed, with usually few to several axillary rays arising below; lvs subtending rays similar to stem lvs; rays usually secondarily branched and then forming compound dichasia; lvs subtending ray-branches and cyathia becoming broader to deltate towards top of infl. Glands suborbicular, entire. Capsule deeply grooved, with prominent tubercles. Seeds smooth, rounded, and slightly flattened, yellow to reddish brown, 1.2-2 mm long.

N.: Northland (established locally), Auckland City; S.: one recent collection from Earnscleugh, and one from near Clyde, Otago.

S., C., and W. Europe, N.W. Asia 1935

Waste places.

E. stricta is very similar to, and easily confused with, E. platyphyllos, but E. stricta is generally a smaller, finer plant. It has sometimes been known in N.Z. as E. serrulata.

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