Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Euphorbia exigua L.

*E. exigua L., Sp. Pl.  456  (1753)

dwarf spurge

Glabrous, erect annual. Stems up to 35 cm high, branched or not at base. Lvs alternate, exstipulate, sessile, entire, linear, obtuse at base, acute, 5-25 mm long. Terminal umbel 2-5-rayed, with often a few axillary rays arising below; lvs subtending rays similar to stem lvs but somewhat broader toward base; rays forming compound dichasia; lvs subtending cyathia triangular-lanceolate, acute, becoming ovate-triangular and cordate towards top of infl. Glands elliptic-oblong; horns long, slender. Capsule smooth, grooved, slightly ridged on keels. Seeds tuberculate or rugulose, 4-angled, grey-brown, c. 1.2 mm long.

S.: lowland Marlborough and Canterbury.

C. and W. Europe, Mediterranean to Iran 1957

Occasional weed of arable land.

Dwarf spurge is easily distinguished from other alternate-leaved N.Z. spurges by the 4-angled and sculptured seeds (Fig. 59).

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