Raphanus L.
Annual to perennial taprooted herbs. Hairs simple, bristly. Stems erect, leafy. Lvs lyrate-pinnate, becoming simple above; margins dentate to serrate. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals erect, the inner saccate at base. Petals white, yellow, brownish, pink, or purple, usually with mauve veins. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 2, inside bases of lateral stamens; median nectaries 2, cylindric, outside bases of median stamens. Stigma sessile, capitate or somewhat 2-lobed. Silique indehiscent, cylindric or ovoid, veined or not, inflated and corky or divided into 1-seeded segments which break off when mature; valvar portion stalklike, slender, seedless. Seeds ovoid or spherical, brownish, not winged, 1.5-3 mm long.
8 spp., W. and C. Europe and Mediterranean to C. Asia. Naturalised spp. 2.