Erophila DC.
Annual or overwintering taprooted herbs. Hairs branched, simple, or mixed. Stems erect, leafless. Lvs simple, entire or toothed. Racemes ebracteate. Sepals erecto-patent, not saccate. Petals white, deeply 2-fid. Stamens 6, without appendages. Lateral nectaries 4, paired at bases of lateral stamens; median nectaries 0, or 2 between bases of median stamens. Style short; stigma capitate. Silicle orbicular, obovate or oblong, latiseptate; valves with faint median and secondary veins. Seeds ovoid, not winged, in 2 lax rows per locule.
10 spp., Europe, W. Asia, N. Africa. Naturalised sp. 1.