Lichens Pan-Z (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition Pan-Z
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Pseudocyphellaria coriacea

P. coriacea (Hook.f. & Taylor) D.J.Galloway & P.James, Lichenologist 12 (3): 295 (1980).

Sticta coriacea Hook.f. & Taylor, Lond. J. Bot. 3: 648 (1844).

Ricasolia coriacea (Hook.f. & Taylor) Nyl., Mém. Soc. Imp. Sci. nat. Cherbourg 5: 103 (1858) ["1857"].

Lobaria coriacea (Hook.f. & Taylor) Trevis., Lichenotheca Veneta exs. 75 (1869).

=Sticta subcoriacea Nyl., Flora 48: 298 (1865).

Phaeosticta subcoriacea (Nyl.) Trevis, Lichenotheca Veneta exs. 75 (1869).

Lobaria suboriacea (Nyl.) Hellb., Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 21 (3/13): 41 (1896).

=Ricasolia coriacea var. elaphocera Nyl., Bull. Soc. linn. Normandie 2: 504 (1868).

Sticta elaphocera (Nyl.) Stizenb., Flora 81: 113 (1895).

Lobaria coriacea var. elaphocera (Nyl.) Hellb., Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 21 (3/13): 41 (1896).

=Sticta canaliculata C.Knight, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot. II 1: 282 (1877).

=Sticta perissa Stirt., Trans. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria 17: 76 (1881).

=Sticta coriacea f. vestitula Zahlbr., Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-naturwiss. Kl. 104: 282 (1941).

=Pseudocyphellaria allanii D.J.Galloway in B. Renner & D.J. Galloway, Mycotaxon 16: 202 (1982).

Lectotype: New Zealand. Sine loco, W. Colenso 3754 – BM [fide Galloway & James (1980: 295)].

Sticta subcoriacea. Holotype: New Zealand. South I., Otago, Saddle Hill Bush, on trunks of dead trees, 26.x.1861, W.L. Lindsay – H-NYL 33660. Isotype – E.

Ricasolia coriacea var. elaphocera. Holotype: New Zealand. Sine loco, 1859, F. v. Hochstetter – H-NYL 33376.

Sticta canaliculata. Holotype: New Zealand. Sine loco, Charles Knight – WELT Herb. Knight Vol. 13A, P. 11. Isotypes – BM, H-NYL 33659.

Sticta perissa. Holotype: New Zealand. Northland, Ohaewai, Hugh Paton – BM.

Sticta coriacea f. vestitula. Lectotype: New Zealand. Northland, Whangarei, on tree trunks, xi.1935, W.A. Given V 166 – W [fide Galloway (1988a: 103)].

Pseudocyphellaria allanii. Holotype: New Zealand. South I., Canterbury, Mt Peel, on track to Emily Falls, Peel Forest. On fallen Pseudowintera on bank of stream, 20.iv.1979, D.J. Galloway s.n. – CHR 343256. Isotype – BM. This cyanobacterial phase is discussed in detail in Galloway (1988a: 57–60).

Description : Flora (1985: 433). See also Galloway (1988a: 103–104).

Chemistry : 7β-acetoxyhopane-22-ol, hopane-7β, 22-diol (tr.), hopane-15α,22-diol.

N: Northland (Karikari Peninsula to Waitakere Ra.), Auckland (Rangitoto I.), South Auckland (Coromandel Peninsula to W of Lake Taupo), Gisborne (Lake Waikaremoana), Hawke's Bay (Kuripapango), Taranaki (Mt Taranaki), Wellington (National Park to Wellington). S: Nelson (Kaihoka Lakes to Lewis Pass), Westland (Greymouth to Haast), Canterbury (Arthur's Pass, Banks Peninsula S to Mt Peel), Otago (Wilkin Valley to Silver Peaks and Maungatua), Southland (Milford Sound to Invercargill). St: (Mt Anglem to Port Pegasus) [map in Galloway (1988a: 105, fig. 43)]. In the northern part of its range it is a common species of tree bark in lowland coastal forest, and on rocks and soil in moderate- to high-light habitats. Elsewhere, especially in beech forest it is a prominent epiphyte of forest trees and shrubs, especially at the forest margin. The cyanobacterial phase and also photosymbiodemes with mixed photobionts are found in shaded habitats of high humidity. It is found from s.l. to 900 m.


Illustrations : Babington (1855: pl. CXXVA – as Sticta coriacea); Martin & Child (1972: 121, plate 33 – as Sticta subcoriacea); Galloway (1988a: 58, fig. 15 – as Pseudocyphellaria allanii; 102, fig. 42).

Pseudocyphellaria coriacea is characterised by: linear-elongate, rather narrow strap-like lobes that are subdichotomously to irregularly branched, shallowly concave to strongly canaliculate, with entire margins, thickened below and conspicuously white-tomentose; a coriaceous, scabrid-areolate (×10 lens) upper surface that is white-tomentose towards margins and apices; a white medulla; a green algal or a cyanobacterial photobiont or both together as a photosymbiodeme; a pale-buff to chocolate-brown, densely tomentose lower surface with prominent, white, abruptly margined pseudocyphellae superficially resembling cyphellae; sessile to subpedicellate, mainly marginal apothecia with a corrugate-scabrid to densely white-tomentose exciple; and a two-hopane chemistry. It may be parasitised by the lichenicolous fungi * Dactylospora lobariella and * Stigmidium peltideae (q.v.).

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