Volume II (1970) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Monocotyledons except Graminae
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Pterostylis graminea Hook.f. var. graminea

Var. graminea

Original localities: "Northern and Middle Islands. Auckland, Sinclair. East Coast, Colenso. Otago, Lyall." Type: K(?).

Lvs rather strictly erect. Tip of dorsal sepal us. curved downwards. Labellum ± flat in T.S., bent forward smoothly and symmetrically between the lateral sepals, its midrib only moderately prominent and becoming evanescent in the flat, often slightly emarginate tip.

DIST.: N., S., St.


Lowland forest, scrub and open places.

FL. 9–1.

Hooker's description is short and unsatisfactory; "caule breviusculo foliato, foliis linearibus lineari-lanceolatisve acuminatis, perianthio suberecto lente curvo foliolis acuminatis, labello lineari-oblongo, appendicula breviuscula curva penicillata. A small species, 4–6 inches high, like a miniature of P. Banksii, but without the long tails to the perianth, which is only ½–¾ inch long."

Herb. Colenso contains 2 sheets representing collections that might have been studied by Hooker: WELT 22655 = Colenso 1742 (Tararuas 1848) and WELT 22656 = Colenso 1960 (Head of Wairarapa Valley, 1848). Choice of a lectotype from the several syntypes in Hooker's herbarium should await a fuller understanding of the complex in N.Z.

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