Oreobolus pectinatus Hook.f.
O. serrulatus Col. in T.N.Z.I. 22, 1890, 492.
O. pumilio var. pectinatus (Hook. f.) C. B. Clarke in Cheesem. Man. N.Z. Fl. 1906, 797.
Original localities: "Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island; on the bare and exposed faces of the hills, forming dense convex masses." Type: K, J. D. Hooker.
Cushions 1–10 cm. high. Stems densely packed, much branched at base. Lvs invariably distichous; lamina 0.5–1mm. wide, abaxial surface convex, median nerve and 2 lateral nerves visible at widest part of lamina, adaxial surface channelled, only the median nerve prominent, both surfaces with abundant stomata; sheath 5–7-nerved, not lobed at the top. Spikelets us. solitary; mature peduncle us. > lvs. Glumes us. 3, us. light green with broad, colourless, membr. margins, the outermost longer, lf-like, the 2 inner ± equal, membr., occ. a fourth smaller glume is present. Hypog. Scales < nut, lanceolate, colourless at first, later red-brown to almost black. Nut slightly > 1 mm. long, < 1 mm. diam., light brown or often dark brown with a triangular, pubescent depression at the tip.
DIST.: N., S., St., A., C.
In bogs, (240)–900–1,500 m. altitude, descends to sea level in Southland, and on St., A, and C.
O. serrulatus Col. Lectotype: WELT. 24308, Rangipo Swamp, A. Hamilton, Jan., 1889.