Volume II (1970) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Monocotyledons except Graminae
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Oreobolus pectinatus Hook.f.

O. pectinatus Hook. f. Fl. Antarct. 1, 1844, 87, t. 49.

O. serrulatus Col. in T.N.Z.I.  22,  1890,  492.

O. pumilio var. pectinatus (Hook. f.) C. B. Clarke in Cheesem. Man. N.Z. Fl. 1906, 797.

Original localities: "Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island; on the bare and exposed faces of the hills, forming dense convex masses." Type: K, J. D. Hooker.

Cushions 1–10 cm. high. Stems densely packed, much branched at base. Lvs invariably distichous; lamina 0.5–1mm. wide, abaxial surface convex, median nerve and 2 lateral nerves visible at widest part of lamina, adaxial surface channelled, only the median nerve prominent, both surfaces with abundant stomata; sheath 5–7-nerved, not lobed at the top. Spikelets us. solitary; mature peduncle us. > lvs. Glumes us. 3, us. light green with broad, colourless, membr. margins, the outermost longer, lf-like, the 2 inner ± equal, membr., occ. a fourth smaller glume is present. Hypog. Scales < nut, lanceolate, colourless at first, later red-brown to almost black. Nut slightly > 1 mm. long, < 1 mm. diam., light brown or often dark brown with a triangular, pubescent depression at the tip.

DIST.: N., S., St., A., C.

In bogs, (240)–900–1,500 m. altitude, descends to sea level in Southland, and on St., A, and C.

O. serrulatus Col. Lectotype: WELT. 24308, Rangipo Swamp, A. Hamilton, Jan., 1889.

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