Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Argyranthemum Webb


Perennials, woody at base. Lvs entire to 1-3-pinnatisect, alternate. Capitula few to many in corymbs, or sometimes solitary, terminal, pedunculate; involucral bracts in 3-4 rows, with membranous margins. Receptacle convex or conic; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, ligulate, yellow, white or pink; inner florets ⚥, tubular. Achenes dimorphic: those of ray florets 3-angled, with 0-3 wings, sometimes coalesced into groups of 2-9; those of disc florets obconic, terete, 4-angled, or somewhat flattened, with 0-2 wings. Pappus a small corona or 0.

22 spp., Macaronesia. Naturalised sp. 1.

Argyranthemum is part of the Chrysanthemum complex and is often treated within Chrysanthemum sens. lat. It is distinguished from Chrysanthemum sens. strict. by the perennial woody habit and bisporic embryo-sac development. The first of these characters is unsatisfactory as the evolution of a woody perennial habit is a frequent occurrence on oceanic islands. The genus has been revised by Humphries, C. J., Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Bot. 5 : 147-240 (1976), who also discusses relationships at the generic level.

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