Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Poa alpina

ξP. alpina L.

ξP. alpina L. ξTufts 10-30 cm, with mostly basal leaves and thickened at base with fibrous remains of leaf-sheaths; branching intravaginal; leaf-blades persistent. Ligule 3 mm, erose. Leaf-blade to 3.5 cm × 3 mm, stiff, flat or folded, smooth. Panicle 3-5 cm, lax; spikelets ovate, often proliferous, 3.5-4 mm, on slender, almost smooth branches. Glumes subequal, acute, upper ½ of midnerve sparsely prickle-toothed; margins wide, membranous. Lemma 5-nerved, hyaline, acute, nerves densely long hairy in lower ½, midnerve scabrid above hairs. Callus with a few wispy hairs. Anthers 2 mm. A European species only known from two early, but undated collections (CHR 5098 and CHR 5103 J. B. Armstrong fields near Christchurch, "rare"; and WELT 68265 A. C. Purdie head of Lake Wakatipu, 2000 ft).

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