Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Pertusaria melaleucoides Müll.Arg.

P. melaleucoides Müll. Arg., Flora 67: 284 (1884).

P. galactina Zahlbr., Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-naturwiss. Kl. 104: 332 (1941).

Holotype: New Zealand. Sine loco (prob. Wellington). Dr Knight 1883, G 638/8!

P. galactina. Holotype: New Zealand. Forest remnant near Feilding c. 150 m. On Melicytus ramiflorus. Dec. 1933. H.H. Allan ZA 460, W!

Thallus chalky white or grey-white, thick, wrinkled to irregularly areolate-cracked, margins effuse, indeterminate, matt, minutely papillate. Fertile verrucae rounded to subirregular 0.6-1.4 mm diam., hemispherical to ± conical, apex often flattened, concolorous with thallus. Apothecia immersed, 1-2 per verruca, ostioles carbonaceous, black, shining, surrounded by a narrow zone of pellucid tissue, internal tissues black. Asci 2-spored, endoascus well-developed, with a prominent apical dimple. Ascospores uniseriate, broadly ellipsoid with rounded ends, contents granular at first then hyaline 120-165.3 × 39.15-60 µm, wall 8.7-17.4 µm thick. Chemistry: TLC nil.

N: Wellington.


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