Pertusaria obvelata Nyl.
Lectotype: New Zealand. Otago, Green Island Bluff, on columnar basalt. October 1861. W.L. Lindsay, H-NYL 23738!
Thallus spreading in rosettes or irregular patches 5-7(-10) cm diam., whitish-cream or grey-white, thick, tartareous, conspicuously and deeply areolate-cracked, areolae regular, polygonal, 1-2 mm diam., surface roughened, crumbly. Fertile verrucae rounded, monocarpic, of same size as supporting areolae, lecanorine, margins thick, verrucose, eroding-pulverulent. Apothecia prominent, disc 0.5-1.2 mm diam., shallowly concave to plane, buff to red-brown or yellowish with a coarse, granular white pruina. Asci 1-spored. Ascospores broad-ellipsoid, ends rounded or with one end pointed, 200-274 × 95-104 µm, all 9-13 µm thick. Chemistry: C+ red. Lecanoric acid.
S: Otago on coastal rocks.