Pertusaria otagoana D.J.Galloway
Holotype: New Zealand. Otago, Silver Peaks near Dunedin. On rocks in tussock grassland October, 1933, J.S. Thomson ZA 3890, W!
Thallus thick, chalky-white or dingy creamish, areolate-cracked, areolae angular, convex, lumpy, separated by deep or shallow cracks, 0.3-1.0 mm diam. Fertile verrucae concolorous with thallus, 1-4 mm diam., rounded to irregular, ± hemispherical, apex flattened. Apothecia 1-12 per verruca, immersed, ostiole black, punctiform impressed, 0.01-0.02 mm diam. Asci clavate 1-spored. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid, 174-304.5 × 70-95 µm, wall 17-21 µm thick, to 52 µm thick at ends, complex, double. Chemistry: K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+ red, Pd+ orange. Norstictic acid.
S: Known only from the type collection.
P. otagoana is related to P. subverrucosa but is 1-spored.