Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Soleirolia soleirolii (Req.) Dandy

*S. soleirolii (Req.) Dandy, Feddes Repert.  70:   4  (1964)


Slender, sparsely hairy herb; creeping and rooting at nodes. Stem much-branched, 5-20 cm long. Lvs suborbicular, 2-7 mm long. Petiole c. 1.5 mm long. ♀ fls below ♂ on stem. Bracteoles 3, free in ♂ fls, connate in ♀ at fruiting. Achene ovoid, c. 1 mm long.

N.: established locally in Auckland City, Manawatu, and Palmerston North; S.: Christchurch.

W. Mediterranean Is 1968

Gardens and lawns, often occurring as a nursery weed.

S. soleirolii is cultivated as a pot plant or ground cover. It has been previously known in N.Z. as Helxine soleirolii.

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