Herbs, shrubs, soft-wooded trees, or rarely climbers, often with stinging hairs; latex 0. Lvs opposite or alternate, simple, usually stipulate. Fls usually unisexual, apetalous, in cymes. Perianth 4-5-merous, often persistent. ♂ fls with (1)-4-5 stamens opposite the perianth segments and usually inflexed in bud, sometimes straight, often with rudimentary ovary; anthers 2-celled. ♀ fls often with small staminodes. Ovary superior, 1-locular, free or adnate to perianth; style simple; ovule solitary, erect. Fr. usually an achene, rarely a drupe. Seeds usually with endosperm; embryo straight.
45 genera, c. 1000 spp., cosmopolitan.