Pannaria crenulata
Holotype: New Zealand. South Auckland, Mt Maungatawhiri, Coromandel Peninsula, viii.1974, B.W. & G.C. Hayward H44.115 – AK. Isotypes – BM, CHR.
Description : Flora (1985: 330).
Chemistry : Pd+ yellow-orange; containing argopsin.
N: Northland (Radar Bush, Te Paki Trig Bush, Waipoua, Kawerua, Puketi Forest, Tutamoe, Little Barrier I., Great Barrier I., Tapu Bush N. Kaipara, Tokatoka), Auckland (Waitakere Ra.), South Auckland (Mt Moehau, Mt Maungatawhiri Coromandel Ra., Mamaku), Gisborne (Tahora, North Urewera), Taranaki (Mt Taranaki), Wellington (Kaitoke). S: Nelson (Dun Mountain), Marlborough (Wells Peak d'Urville I.) to Fiordland and Te Wae Wae Bay, mainly W of Main Divide. Also in the Catlins (Lake Wilkie). St: (Port Pegasus) C: An epiphyte of lowland and coastal trees and tree ferns, and facultatively foliicolous on filmy fern leaves, in dense shade in humid habitats. Also in E Australia (Jørgensen & Galloway 1992: 263; McCarthy 2003c, 2006). First collected by William Colenso who noted "384β. Grey Lichen, from living trees, damp woods, Waikare, Bay of Islands"[WELT L. 1258].
Exsiccati : Moberg (1994a: No. 132).
Illustration : Galloway et al. (1983: 102, fig. 1A–B).
Pannaria crenulata is characterised by: the corticolous (or occasionally foliicolous) habit; the copiously developed, fragile, bluish coralloid isidia; the microphylline squamulose thallus; and the Pd+ chemistry (argopsin). These characters distinguish it from the Pd−, squamulose, caespitose P. delicata. It is conspicuously blue when moist.