Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Psoroma implexum Stirt.

P. implexum Stirton, T.N.Z.I. 6: 236 (1874).

P. sphinctrinum var. crispellum Nyl., Syn. Meth. Lich. 2: 25 (1863).

Pannaria campbelliana Hue, Nouv. Archs Mus. Hist. nat. Paris sér. 4, 8: 271 (1906).

P. spectabile Zahlbr., Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-naturwiss. Kl. 104: 278 (1941).

Lectotype: New Zealand. Wellington, Tinakori Hills, December 1871. J. Buchanan 38, WELT!

P. sphinctrinum var. crispellum. Lectotype: New Zealand. Colenso 4705, BM! Isotype material of Colenso 4705 (WELT L1120) is annotated by Colenso, "....Lichen on Podocarpus cunningham, forests Ruahine....".

Pannaria campbelliana. Lectotype: New Zealand. Campbell Island. M. Filhol 1874, H-NYL 30769!

Pannaria spectabile. Lectotype: New Zealand. Otago, Flagstaff Hill, on Dacrydium cupressinum, J.S. Thomson ZA 145, 1933 W!

Thallus squamulose ± closely attached, 4-8(-10) cm diam., on a fine, black prothallus, projecting to 5 mm beyond squamules, distinctly coarsely fibrous at margins. Squamules discrete, scattered, rounded at margins, becoming irregularly lobate-incised and often slightly laciniate-elongate (1 × 3 mm), at length confluent in a closely attached ± imbricate mosaic at centre, ± distinctly convex and minutely lobulate at margins which are also minutely white- pubescent or "frosted", bright lettuce-green when wet, pale greenish-grey when dry, becoming yellow-brown to dark red-brown on storage. Cephalodia larger than squamules, lobate-crenate to placodioid, between squamules, 0.5-2.0 mm diam., pale grey-blue, concolorous with thallus on storage, occasionally overgrowing squamules, sometimes striate-cracked, wrinkled-plicate, not flattened. Apothecia forming conglomerate groups with disc, obscured by placodioid or ± convolute, thalline lobules and ridges, disc pale to dark red-brown, concentrically striate beneath thalline tissue, 2-6(-10) mm diam., margins thick, inrolled, crenulate-striate, rather waxy, thalline exciple smooth. Ascospores oval-ellipsoid, apices rounded or pointed 13-17 × 8.3-10.2 µm, wall 1.7-3.0 µm thick.

N: South of lat. 38°S. S: Throughout. St: A: C: On bark of trees and shrubs in damp, parly shaded habitats, also over-growing mosses, mainly lowland and coastal, s.l. to 1000 m.


The frosted margins of the squamules, the thick, black, fibrous prothallus and the convoluted ridges of thalline tissue on the apothecial discs are characteristic of this species.

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