Psoroma euphyllum Nyl.
Holotype: New Zealand. Sine loco. Sine coll., ex Herb. Church. Babington, H-NYL 30800!
Thallus foliose-lobate, margins free and subascendent, 2-5 cm diam., without a prothallus. Lobes 2-3 mm wide, concave, margins crisp, ascending, entire, thickened, minutely notched or incised, or sometimes small-lobulate. Upper surface minutely granular appearing matt, smooth or slightly undulate, occasionally with short, white, or grey entangled silky tomentum, bright lettuce- green when wet, pale glaucous-green when dry. Cephalodia on upper and lower surfaces and on rhizines, 0.5-2.0 mm diam., pale grey-blue or brownish, simple, globose to convolute-placodioid, cerebriform, smooth, matt, sometimes wrinkled-plicate. Lower surface white, naked or with a short white pubescence, or with ± dense white to greyish, simple to squarrose rhizines. Apothecia to 2 mm diam., laminal and marginal, pedicellate, round, margin concolorous with thallus, thin, crenulate, disc plane or subconcave, pale orange-brown to red- brown, often white-pruinose, smooth, continuous, not etched, gyrose or fissured or with thalline lobules, thalline exciple smooth, tomentose at base. Ascospores 16-18 × 10-12 µm.
N: South of lat. 38°S. S: Nelson to Fiordland. St: A twig species from humid habitats in moderate shade, common as an epiphyte of Coprosma, Cyathodes, Pseudowintera and Nothofagus.