Psoroma leprolomum (Nyl.) Räsänen
Lecanora sphinctrina var. leproloma Nyl., C. r. hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci. Paris 83: 89 (1876).
Lectotype: New Zealand. Campbell Island. M. Filhol, 1874, H-NYL 30779!
Thallus ± closely attached, ± free at margins, rosette-forming or irregularly spreading, 3-7(-10) cm diam. Lobes laciniate, 3-7(-10) mm wide, 10-25(-40) mm long, ± raised at margins, concave, margins entire, thickened below, slightly incised or notched, sinuous, ± ascending towards centre, sometimes lobulate. Upper surface sorediate, rather fibrous, scabrid-areolate in parts, ± tomentose at apices, smooth, shining in parts, undulate to very shallowly faveolate, bright green to pale yellow-glaucous when wet, pale yellow-brown to dark chestnut- brown or red-brown when dry, soredia whitish or greenish-white, granular not erose-farinose, mainly in long, sinuous, marginal, labriform soralia, often developed on lower surface of lobe margins and spreading to upper surface, rarely completely invading entire upper surface. Cephalodia on upper and lower surface, simple, small, globose, pale purplish-grey or purplish-black, often clustered in groups on upper surface or at margins, smooth or scabrid, to 1.5 mm diam., ± convolute. Lower surface white, ± tomentose at margins becoming buff or dark brown centrally, with long, simple, buff rhizines from centre to margins, margins glabrous, often granular-sorediate. Apothecia sessile or subpedicellate, 1-3 mm diam., scattered, rarely crowded, round to irregular, disc plane to subconvex, pale orange-red to dark brown or black, smooth, matt, occasionally centrally perforate or with central, sterile thalline tissue, sometimes gyrose-etched, margins thick, crenate-striate, rarely granular-sorediate, thalline exciple sometimes sorediate. Ascospores subglobose to oval-ellipsoid, occasionally apiculate at one end, 12-18 × 9-12 mm.
N: S: St: A: C: Throughout, on bark of trees and shrubs in undisturbed habitats or on successional shrubs (e.g., Leptospermum) in humid, partially shaded habitats, rarely on rocks, common and wide spread, s.l. to 1000 m.
It is probable that more that one taxon is involved in this circumscription of P. leprolomum as there is considerable variation in the morphology of the soredia.