Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Paspalum pubiflorum

ξP. pubiflorum E.Fourn.

ξP. pubiflorum E.Fourn. ξVery long-stoloniferous. Leaf-sheath glabrous below, pubescent above. Culm nodes pubescent. Panicle of 2-3 racemes, to 8 cm, with 2 rows of paired spikelets. Spikelets c. 3 mm, elliptic-acute, greenish to purplish. Upper glume 3-nerved, appressed-pubescent. Lower floret: lemma similar to upper glume. Upper floret: lemma chartaceous, glabrous, shining, creamy brown; anthers and stigmas dark reddish purple. A North American sp. once collected from Wanganui A. R. Dingwall 5.3.1938 (CHR 19374, 19375).

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