Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Sarcographa Fée


Thallus crustose, epi- or endophloeodal, thin, effuse, or lacking. Photobiont green Trentepohlia (appearing yellow-orange when cortex of fresh material is scratched). Apothecia in raised or ± sessile pseudostromata, radiate-crowded or flexuose. Ascospores brown, transversely-septate, oblong-ellipsoid, 8 per ascus.


Thallus whitish, or pale green-grey, granular-isidiate, apothecia in ± innate, grey-pruinose pseudostromata
Thallus olivaceous or green-yellow, matt, shining in parts, apothecia in raised, cracked pseudostromata

Sarcographa contains c. 70 mainly tropical species in the family Graphidaceae. It is closely related to Glyphis, but has brown spores. Two species are known in New Zealand from northern, lowland forest.

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