Sarcographa intricans (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
Graphis intricans Nyl., Acta. Soc. Sci. fenn. 7: 473 (1863).
Thallus pale greenish-grey or whitish, matt to ± furfuraceous, granular-isidiate in parts (white), smooth to verrucose-uneven or cracked, 3-5(-10) cm diam. Apothecia in whitish, thalline pseudostromata, 2-8 mm diam., innate, black with a grey-white pruina, rounded or irregular, stellate-convolute or radiate-cracked, margins granular, white-pulverulent. Paraphyses thick, conglutinate, 3 µm thick. Asci clavate 56 × 21 µm. Ascospores 4-6-locular, oblong, one end rounded, the other pointed, 17-22 × 6.8-8.3 µm.
N: South Auckland. Bombay Hill, Mt William Scenic Reserve. On Beilschmiedia taraire. First discovered in New Zealand by J.K. Bartlett (10/10/1981). Probably more widely distributed in northern coastal and lowland forest.