Eupatoriadelphus R.M.King & H.Rob.
Perennial herbs. Lvs verticillate, petiolate, simple, serrate or crenate. Infl. a ± dense corymb. Involucral bracts in several rows, unequal, mostly chartaceous. Receptacle convex; scales 0. Corolla tubular. Style base swollen. Achenes ellipsoid-cylindric to obpyramidal, 5-angled, glandular; pappus of persistent scabrid hairs, with subobtuse to acute apical cells.
4 spp., E. North America. Naturalised sp. 1.
Eupatoriadelphus is one of the genera recently segregated from Eupatorium [King, R. M. and Robinson, H., Phytologia 14 : 431-432 (1970)].