Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Bartlettina R.M.King & H.Rob.

BARTLETTINA R. King et H. Robinson

Perennial herbs woody toward base, or shrubs. Lvs opposite, petiolate, simple, entire to serrate. Infl. a lax corymb. Involucral bracts in 3-4 rows, unequal, mostly chartaceous. Receptacle convex or short-conic; scales 0, but short hairs present. Corolla tubular. Style base not swollen. Achenes ellipsoid-cylindric or obpyramidal, 5-angled, usually glabrous or hairy, rarely glandular; pappus of persistent scabrid hairs, with acute apical cells.

20 spp., tropical America. Naturalised sp. 1.

King, R.M. and Robinson, H., Phytologia 22 : 160-162 (1971), provided the new name Bartlettina for the genus they originally described as Neobartlettia (ibid 21 : 294-297) a later homonym of Neobartlettia Schltr.  Bartlettina is a segregate from Eupatorium defined by a set of microcharacters.

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