Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Pulicaria Gaertn.


Annual or perennial herbs. Lvs alternate, simple, entire or toothed. Capitula solitary or in corymbs or panicles. Involucral bracts in several rows, imbricate with erect lamina, mostly herbaceous. Receptacle flat or slightly convex; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, ligulate; ligules yellow. Inner florets ⚥, tubular. Achenes all similar, terete or slightly compressed, finely ribbed, slightly narrowed to apex; pappus of 2 rows, the outer of short connate scales, the inner of longer, slender hairs.

c. 40 spp., Eurasia, Africa. Naturalised sp. 1.

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