Acarospora badiofusca
≡Lecanora badiofusca Nyl., Herb. Mus. fenn.: 110 (1859).
Description : Thallus areolate; areolae rather small, 0.5–12.5 mm diam., rounded to irregular, contiguous to somewhat scattered, flat to convex, reddish brown. Apothecia sessile, rounded or gyrose-contorted, 0.4–2 mm diam., 1 (mostly single, rarely 2–4) per areola, disc convex, pale to dark red-brown, darker than thallus; thalline margin raised, entire, concolorous with disc. Epithecium yellow-brown, to 10 μm thick. Hymenium 60–90(–120) μm tall. Ascospores ellipsoidal, 3–6 × 1.5–2.5 μm.
Chemistry : TLC−, all reactions negative.
S: Central Otago. On mica-schist boulders in fellfield and moraine debris. Known also from Great Britain, Europe, Scandinavia, Svalbard, North America, South Georgia and the South Orkney Is (Magnusson 1929, 1936; Purvis et al. 1992; Nimis 1993; Santesson 1993; Esslinger & Egan 1995; Elvebakk & Hertel 1997; Øvstedal & Lewis Smith 2001; Nimis & Martellos 2003).
Illustrations : Magnusson (1936: 224, fig. 47); Foucard (1990: pl. 3); Ozenda & Clauzade (1970: 510, fig. 425); Øvstedal & Lewis Smith (2001: 79, fig. 7).
Acarospora badiofusca is characterised by: the saxicolous habit; the red-brown areolate thallus; the large, sessile apothecia that are darker than the thallus.