Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Sedum mexicanum

ζ*S. mexicanum Britton

ζ*S. mexicanum Britton ζ* has been collected on waste land by a road at Heathcote, Christchurch, where a few plants had spread from garden rubbish in the vicinity. It is rather uncommon in cultivation, at least in the Christchurch area. A glabrous perennial herb with a lax habit and sprawling or decumbent stems to at least 15 cm long; at least some lvs in whorls of (3)-4-5, c. 8-20 × 1 mm, ± linear, green; infl. cymose, with several widespreading branches to c. 10 cm long each with leafy bracts and a number of secund sessile fls; petals c. 6 mm long, elliptic, yellow; filaments yellow with red anthers; carpels and styles greenish yellow. S. mexicanum is easily distinguished from any other naturalised sp. by its whorled lvs. The cultivated S. lineare Thunb. is very similar but usually has longer lvs which are always ternate, fls few to each infl. branch, and the usual form grown, cv. 'Variegatum', has variegated pinkish and green lvs and pink stems. (Mexico, 1984).

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