Volume II (1970) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Monocotyledons except Graminae
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Gaimardia Gaudich.

GAIMARDIA Gaud., 1825

Fls in a terminal complex "spike" within glume-like bracts. Bracts (2)–3, distinctly alternate, 1–2 bracts empty. Pseudanthia 1 always in the basal bract, 1 also in the middle bract in G. setacea. ♂, 2 in each pseudanthium; anthers 1-celled. ♀, 2 in each pseudanthium, collateral, connate or completely fused. Fr. dehiscing along the outer side of each carpel, or dehiscing loculicidally with 2 valves in G. australis. Perennial herbs, densely tufted and forming cushions. Stems much-branched, lfy throughout. Lvs ∞, densely imbricate, dilated at the base to a broad membr. sheath, slightly ligulate. Three spp. Type sp.: G. australis Gaud. from Falkland Is and Tierra del Fuego. Otherwise known only from N.Z., Tasmania and New Guinea.

Ding Hou (Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 5, 1957, 426) noted that spp. of Gaimardia show "a striking similarity with the perennial species of Centrolepis" and the perennial Centrolepis ciliata (Hook. f.) Druce and C. pallida (Hook. f.) Cheesem. were originally described by Hooker as spp. of Gaimardia, but from immature specimens. Ding Hou further remarks "the generic differences . . . between Gaimardia and Centrolepis consist principally in the occurrence in Gaimardia of 2–3 bracts, 2 stamens in each flower and 2 connate, collateral carpels forming an ovary". This contrasts with the 2 glume-like bracts, 1 male fl. in each pseudanthium, and superposed female fls of Centrolepis.

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