Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Stachys L.


Annual or perennial herbs, less commonly small shrubs; rhizomes present or 0; tubers occasionally present. Lvs simple, usually toothed. Verticels of 2-many fls in dense or lax axillary or terminal spikes, rarely infl. capitate. Bracts usually different to foliage lvs; bracteoles present or 0. Calyx tubular to campanulate or almost funnelform, not gibbous at base, 5-10-nerved, regular, rarely slightly 2-lipped; teeth usually subequal, acute to aristate. Corolla 2-lipped, hairy outside; tube usually exserted from calyx; upper lip flat to deeply concave, entire or 2-fid; lower lip 3-lobed, the middle lobe largest and usually > upper lip. Stamens ± exserted; anther cells parallel or divergent. Style gynobasic, its branches subequal. Nutlets obovoid or oblong, sometimes ± trigonous; apex rounded.


Plant hairy but green
Plant white-lanate, at least on shoots, lower surface of lvs and infl.
Annual; lvs rounded to ± obtuse at apex; fls white, cream or pink
Perennial; lvs acute or shortly acuminate at apex; fls reddish purple
Calyx teeth = or slightly > tube; corolla pink
Calyx teeth < tube; corolla cream or white
Stem lvs with petioles > 2 cm long; lamina ± ovate
Stem lvs sessile or with petiole < 1 cm long; lamina ± oblong
Lvs white-lanate above; lamina ± cuneate at base
Lvs green above; lamina cordate or subcordate at base

c. 200 spp., temperate and tropical regions except Australasia. Naturalised spp. 6.

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