Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Viola lyallii Hook.f.

V. lyallii Hook. f., Handbk N.Z. Fl.  16  (1864)

Taprooted perennial; stems weak, prostrate to ascending, glabrous, 10-20 cm long. Basal and stem lvs all similar, glabrous, 1-2-(3.5) × 1-2-(4) cm, broadly ovate-cordate to reniform, obtuse to subacute, with 5-10 very shallow crenations each side; stipules linear, distantly glandular-toothed, 3-7 mm long; petiole (1)-2-5-(15) cm long. Peduncles erect, glabrous; bracts linear, entire or distantly toothed, 3-6 mm long. Fls 1-1.5 cm diam. Sepals lanceolate, acute, 3-4 mm long; appendages c. 0.5 mm long. Petals white with purple veins, > sepals, the lateral bearded; spur very short and broad, hardly > sepal appendages. Style straight, 1.5 mm long; stigma capitate, slightly curved. Capsule ellipsoid, glabrous, c. 1 cm long. Seeds obovoid, pale greenish brown, 1.5 mm long.

N.: throughout, except Taranaki; S.: throughout.


Damp places, wet grassland, wet forest, lake shores, riverbanks, scrub.

FL (Oct)-Nov-Jan FT Dec-Feb.

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