Parietaria officinalis L.
Erect, densely hairy perennial. Stem 30-100 cm high, simple or slightly branched. Lvs thick, dark green, dull, ovate to elliptic, acuminate, 3-12 cm long. Petioles < lamina. Cymes congested. Bracteoles < perianth at fruiting, completely free. Achenes ovoid, black, 1-1.5 mm long.
N.: known from 2 sites only, Wanganui R. (Taumarunui), and Pukerua Bay (Wellington).
N. Africa, C. and S. Europe to Asia 1981
Waste places.
Larger specimens of P. judaica are often similar to P. officinalis although P. officinalis is generally erect, much larger, and less branched.