Volume II (1970) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Monocotyledons except Graminae
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Schoenus L.


Infl. paniculate, or capitate, or a solitary spikelet. Spikelets 1–4-fld, sessile or stalked, fls hermaphrodite, or the uppermost functionally male; rhachilla flexuous or zig-zag between the fls; glumes distichous, keeled, us. nerveless except for a central midrib, some lower glumes and some upper ones often empty. Hypog. bristles 6–1, plumose or ciliate, us. scabrid; or 0. Stamens 3, occ. 2. Style-branches 3, occ. 2. Nut ± trigonous, angles ± thickened. Perennial herbs, with or without creeping rhizomes, or rarely annual. Culms erect, curved, or drooping and rooting below, terete or compressed, branched or unbranched. Lvs basal or cauline, narrow-linear, setaceous and rigid, or flaccid, margins of lamina us. slightly toothed; or all, or the basal lvs reduced to sheathing, us. mucronate bracts. About 100 spp. of temperate regions. Of the 8 N.Z. spp., 2 are endemic; the other 6 occur in Australia as well and 3 of these are recorded from elsewhere in the Pacific.


  • A.
    • Lvs reduced to sheaths or occ. the uppermost with a short, erect lamina. Spikelets long-stalked. Infl. a narrow terminal panicle:
    • 1. brevifolius, 2. tendo, 3. carsei, 4. pauciflorus
  • B.
    • Lvs with well-developed laminae. Spikelets on short stalks or sessile. Infl. fascicled, umbellate, or occ. a solitary spikelet
    • (a)
      • Infl. compact, a single head of sessile spikelets or a solitary spikelet. Plants rhizomatous:
      • 5. nitens
    • (b)
      • Infl. lax, of 2 or more separated fascicles or umbels of several spikelets, or of 1–3 spikelets, in the axils of several uppermost lvs on each culm. Plants not rhizomatous:
      • 6. apogon, 7. maschalinus, 8. fluitans


Plants rush-like, lvs reduced to sheathing bracts, occ. 2 uppermost with a short lamina; rhizome > 2 mm. diam.
Plants with well-developed lvs; rhizome, if present, < 1.5 mm. diam.
Panicle ± compact, the whole subtended by a bract > panicle; nuts brown
Panicle of ± distant fascicles of branchlets, each fascicle subtended by a shorter bract; nuts white or pale cream
Culms us. > 1.5 mm. diam.; nut rugose
Culms c. 1 mm. diam.; nut smooth
Orifice of sheaths ciliate; style-branches us. 2
Orifice of sheaths not ciliate; style-branches 3
Culms unbranched; infl. terminal, or with both terminal and lateral clusters of spikelets
Culms branched; infl. of 1–3 lateral spikelets in lf-axils
Plant rhizomatous; spikelets all in a single capitate cluster, or reduced to 1–(3)
Plant not rhizomatous; spikelets not all in one head
Plant green, tufted or spreading; hypog. bristles 6; nut white
Plant reddish, floating; hypog. bristles 0; nut black

Plants flower between October and January and fr. is shed from December to February and up to May.

The genus was revised by Kükenthal in Fedde Repert. Spec. nov. Regn. veg. 44, 1938, 1–32 et passim, and 48, 1940, 246–250.

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