Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Rumex L.


Perennial or sometimes annual herbs, occasionally climbing, rarely shrubby; roots often thick. Lvs radical or cauline, very variable, mostly longer than wide, commonly bullate and undulate, sometimes hastate; ochreae ± tubular. Fls in simple or branched racemes or spikes, often strongly protandrous, often whorled, green, often turning reddish later, mostly ⚥, sometimes unisexual (plants monoecious or dioecious). Pedicels jointed, usually deflexed at fruiting. Perianth segments 6, ± free; outer 3 remaining small and thin and often reflexing; inner 3 (fr. valves) enlarging in fr., often becoming hard, prominently veined, not keeled, sometimes with marginal teeth, sometimes with dorsal tubercles, these forming enlarged corky areas on the midrib. Stamens 6, in 2 whorls. Styles 3, very short; stigmas usually strongly lobed and mostly penicillate. Fr. a trigonous nut, with surrounding perianth segments sometimes spiny.


Plant climbing; roots with woody tubers
Plants not climbing; stems spreading to erect; roots often thick but not with woody tubers
Lf hastate or sagittate at base, usually sour to taste; fls usually unisexual and plants dioecious
Lf attenuate to cordate, but never lobed at base, usually not sour to taste; fls mostly ⚥, although generally protandrous
Annual; fr. valves c. 2 cm diam., inflated
Perennial; fr valves < 5 mm diam., not inflated
Lvs with ± downwards directed basal lobes; fr. valves winged
Lvs with ± spreading basal lobes; fr. valves not winged
Length of lower lvs (excluding basal lobes) 3-5× width
Length of lower lvs (excluding basal lobes) 7-20× width
Fr. valves prominently toothed with at least some teeth or spines > 1 mm long
Fr. valves entire or denticulate with all teeth < 1 mm long
Fr. valves tuberculate, rounded to obtuse
Fr. valves usually not tuberculate or if tuberculate then valves acuminate at apex
Lamina of lf not constricted; infl. branches straight or curved but not becoming twisted; whorls of fls dense and contiguous for most of the branch
Lamina of lf constricted in basal 1/2; infl. branches forming a tangled mass at fruiting; whorls of fls remote
Infl. a tangled mass at fruiting with strongly zigzagged branches; fr. not obviously hooked
Infl. branches not becoming twisted although appearing twisted because of hooked fr. locked together
Plants not rhizomatous, usually 30- c. 100 cm high; lvs membranous, undulate and crisped; infl. much-branched
Plants rhizomatous or, if not rhizomatous then < 30 cm high; lvs membranous or coriaceous, plane or sometimes undulate and crisped; infl. simple or with few branches
Infl. with dense contiguous whorls of fls; tubercle of fr. < 1/2 width of valve
Infl. with remote whorls of fls; tubercle of fr. ?-3/4 width of valve
Plants to 1 m high; lvs ± coriaceous; nut free from outer perianth whorl
Plants < 30 cm high; lvs membranous; nut enclosed by accrescent outer perianth whorl

150-200 spp., temperate regions. Native spp. 2, naturalised 11.

This genus contains several important agricultural and horticultural weeds. For N.Z., the diagnostically important fr. valve characters are well illustrated by Healy, A. J., Identification of Weeds and Clovers ed. 3 (1982). A revision of the genus in Australia treats most of the naturalised spp. in N.Z. and assigns them to subgenera and sections (Rechinger, K. H., Nuytsia 5(1): 75-117 (1984).

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