Vicia faba L.
broad bean
Erect annual; stems ± glabrous, squared. Lvs ± glabrous; tendrils 0, the rachis terminated by a short mucro; leaflets in 1-3 pairs, often alternate, elliptic, 40-80 mm long; stipules entire or dentate and with 1, adaxial, basal lobe. Infl. much < lvs, 1-4-(6)-flowered. Peduncle much < fls. Pedicel 2-3 mm long. Calyx somewhat gibbous at base; calyx teeth unequal; lower teeth < tube; upper teeth much < tube. Corolla usually white or tinged reddish purple, with black spots on wings and black stripes, 20-30 mm long; limb of standard ± = or > claw. Pod densely puberulent but becoming sparsely puberulent when mature, brown, few-seeded, up to 200 mm long; seeds ovoid-oblong, compressed, 20-30 mm long; hilum ⅛ of circumference.
N.: Wellington City; S.: vicinity of Christchurch, Dunedin.
Origin uncertain 1922
Casual of waste places.
FL Nov-Apr.
The broad bean has been cultivated since prehistoric times for its edible seeds. It has been previously recorded in N.Z. as Faba vulgaris.