Vicia L.
Annual or perennial, erect or scrambling herbs; stems angled but not winged. Lvs pinnate, tendrilous or mucronate, very rarely with a terminal leaflet; leaflets usually pinnately veined, opposite or alternate, in 1-many pairs; stipules simple or toothed. Infl. axillary, racemose, 1-many-flowered. Calyx teeth 5, subequal or upper shorter, < 2× as long as tube. Staminal tube oblique at apex; stamens diadelphous. Style linear, not contorted, variously hairy; ovules numerous, rarely 2. Pod compressed, 2-valved; seeds globose or rarely compressed, with long or short hilum, smooth or rough.
c. 140 spp., N. temperate areas, S. America, topical E. Africa. Naturalised spp. 10.
Several spp. are important fodder plants. Fls or seeds are essential for identification.
Fig. 69. Fls of Vicia. A V. cracca; B V. sativa; C V. villosa subsp. varia. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X5V]