Ribes L.
Prostrate to erect, bushy and densely branched, sometimes spiny shrubs. Lvs mostly 3- or 5-palmately lobed, sometimes rugose, often ± glandular and aromatic when bruised. Hypanthium tubular to campanulate or globose, usually of same colour as sepals. Fr. with sweet or acid pulp.
150 spp., Eurasia, N. Africa, N., C. and Andean S. America. Naturalised spp. 5.
The spp. fall into 2 well-marked groups: subgen. Ribes, currants, with unarmed stems, jointed pedicels which disarticulate at fruiting, and racemes with > 5 fls; subgen. Grossularia (Miller) A. Rich, gooseberries, with spinose stems, unjointed pedicels which do not disarticulate at fruiting, and infls with up to 4 fls. The latter group has sometimes been segregated as the genus Grossularia L., but is relegated to subgeneric status by most authors. Most naturalised spp. are illustrated in Figs. 73 and 74.
Fig. 73. Fls of Ribes spp. A R. nigrum; B R. odoratum; C R. sanguinium. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X60]