Deciduous or rarely evergreen shrubs. Lvs alternate, often fasciculate, simple, plicate or convolute in bud; stipules adnate to petiole, often with marginal projections, or 0. Fls in a simple raceme or few in clusters, sometimes solitary, regular, (4)-5-merous, ⚥ or unisexual. Hypanthium (calyx tube) adnate to ovary; sepals often petaloid. Petals 4-5, < sepals, mostly small and often scale-like, rarely 0, free. Stamens 4-5, alternate with petals, inserted at or slightly below level of hypanthium; anthers 2-locular, dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary 1-locular with 2 parietal placentas; styles 2, free or connate; stigmas undivided; ovules few to numerous, 2- or more seriate. Fr. a pulpy berry, crowned by persistent perianth. Seeds many, small, with endosperm.
1 genus, 150 spp., Eurasia, N. Africa, N., C. and Andean S. America.
Grossulariaceae is a family of some economic importance which includes currants and gooseberries. Also, there are a few ornamental spp. in addition to R. odoratum and R. sanguineum described below, the main one being R. speciosum Pursh, fuchsia gooseberry, a spiny shrub with pendent red fls.