Lichens A-Pac (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition A-Pac
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Bacidia killiasii

*B. killiasii (Hepp) D.Hawksw., Lichenologist 15 (1): 22 (1983).

*Biatora killiasii Hepp in E. Killias, Jber. naturf. Ges. Graubündens, n.f. 6: 246 (1861).

Description : Lichenicolous forming grey-green or grey maculae on upper cortex of host (Peltigera lepidophora). Apothecia superficial, convex, reddish to brown or black, 0.5–0.7 mm diam. Epithecium yellow-brown. Hypothecium thin, yellowish. Asci 8-spored, 60–90 × 16 μm. Ascospores hyaline, fusiform, 3–5(–7)-septate, 18–40 × 5–8 μm.

S: Canterbury (upper Asburton River, Rangitata Gorge). Known also from Great Britain, Europe, Scandinavia and Greenland (Keissler 1930; Hawksworth 1983a, 2003; Clauzade et al. 1989; Alstrup & Hawksworth 1990; Santesson 1993; Alstrup 2004).


Host : Peltigera lepidophora.

Illustrations : Keissler (1930: 165, fig. 39 – as Mycobilimbia killiasii); Clauzade et al. (1989: 32).

* Bacidia killiasii is characterised by: the lichenicolous habit (upper cortex of Peltigera lepidophora); scattered reddish to brown or black, convex apothecia; and 3–7-septate, fusifom ascospores, 18–40 × 5–8 μm.

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