Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Cestrum L.


Unarmed shrubs or occasionally small trees. Lvs simple, entire, foetid when bruised, hairy or glabrous. Panicle of few to many clusters of axillary or terminal cymes; fls often fragrant. Calyx 5-(6)-lobed, campanulate to tubular; lobes small, < tube. Corolla tubular to salverform, with throat widened or contracted, most colours except blue; lobes 5, short. Stamens 5, inserted from around middle to near base of corolla tube, included, sometimes appendaged. Stigma usually 2-lobed. Fr. a berry, often scarcely succulent. Seeds few, of moderate size.


Shoots and lvs glabrous or glabrate; corolla tube not constricted at apex, white to orange
Shoots and lower surface of lvs densely and persistently hairy; corolla tube constricted at apex, red to purple
Fls scentless; corolla orange
Fls fragrant, especially at night; corolla greenish white to pale greenish yellow or brownish yellow
Fls in rather diffuse clusters; fr. white
Fls densely clustered; fr. black
Corolla tube glabrous outside, rosy magenta or deep rose
Corolla tube densely hairy outside, usually scarlet, occasionally rosy purple

c. 175 spp., tropical America, doubtfully indigenous elsewhere. Naturalised spp. 5.

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