Leymus Hochst.
Type species: L. arenarius (L.) Hochst.
Rhizomatous perennials. Leaf-blade stiff, usually glaucous, with ± pungent tip. Inflorescence a linear spike with spikelets in groups of (1)-2-4-(7), at nodes of the tough rachis. Spikelets (1)-2-5-(7)-flowered; disarticulation between florets. Glumes 1-5-nerved, usually > ½ length of lemma, linear, subulate, or narrow-lanceolate, rounded or keeled, acute to shortly awned. Lemma 3-7-nerved, clothed in hairs, rounded or keeled near tip, acute to shortly awned. Palea folded, flank margins contiguous, hairy. Lodicules ciliate, simple. Ovary with conspicuous hairy corona. Caryopsis oblanceolate to oblong, ± grooved; embryo ⅕-¼ caryopsis.
c. 40 spp. of temperate regions in Northern Hemisphere, and 1 sp. in Argentina. Naturalised spp. 2.