Einadia allanii (Aellen) Paul G.Wilson
Procumbent, decumbent or ascending and straggling perennial herb, farinose at least when young; stems slender, becoming rather thick and woody at base. Petiole c. 5-(20) mm long, filiform. Lamina 2-12-(25) × 2-10-(15) mm, usually broad-elliptic to orbicular, less often oblong-ovate, thin, entire, rounded; apex often mucronulate, sometimes emarginate, occasionally acute. Fls in very slender axillary and terminal spikes; spikes 0.3-6-(10) cm long; glomerules few-flowered, distant, sometimes 0 in lower part of spike. Perianth segments connate at base, triangular to broad-ovate, investing fr.; margin membranous. Stamens 2-3. Seed usually horizontal, rarely vertical, 1-1.5 mm diam., lenticular, flattened; pericarp fairly easily removed, thin and not succulent or red. Testa glossy black, faintly striated.
N.; S.; Ch.: mostly coastal, also C. Otago and some other inland E. South Id areas.
Rocky and sandy places, in exposed situations or under scrub canopy.
FL Nov-Mar.
Records of E. allanii from the Kermadecs result from misidentification of E. trigonos. E. allanii has previously been recorded in N.Z. as Chenopodium allanii.