Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Monoecious, ⚥, or dioecious herbs or shrubs, rarely small trees, often succulent, glabrous or with vesicular hairs giving a farinose appearance. Lvs generally alternate, sometimes opposite, simple, exstipulate. Fls solitary or in dense cymes aggregated in a spike or panicle, bracteolate, often very small, usually actinomorphic, greenish. Calyx 3-5-lobed, rarely 0, often accrescent at fruiting; lobes usually imbricate. Petals 0. Stamens usually as many as perianth lobes and opposite to them, usually free. Ovary superior, sometimes immersed, 1-locular. Ovule solitary, basal, erect or pendent. Stigmas (1)-2-3. Fr. usually an achene, rarely a berry, occasionally with circumscissile dehiscence. Seed often erect, compressed in 1 plane, non-endospermic, or with endosperm and then embryo curved or coiled round it.


Lvs obviously flattened, not succulent, not scale-like, discrete
Lvs ± subterete, succulent, or scale-like and fused with stem
Fr. not surrounded or enclosed by perianth or bracteoles, a fleshy berry
Fr. surrounded or enclosed by perianth segments or bracteoles, dry, achenial
Fls mostly unisexual; fr. nearly always enclosed by 2, enlarged, appressed bracteoles
Fls mostly ⚥; fr. surrounded by scarcely enlarged perianth segments; bracteoles 0
Plant lacking shining watery papillae, but often mealy; fruiting bracteoles compressed dorsally
Plant covered with shining watery papillae; fruiting bracteoles compressed laterally
Fruiting perianth segments with a tubercle, horn, or horizontal wing on back
Fruiting perianth segments without appendages, rarely with vertical wing on back
Lower lvs entire, not hastate, at least some much > 5 cm long; perianth segments thickened and swollen at base; ovary semi-inferior
Lower lvs usually toothed or lobed, or if entire then either ± hastate, cordate at base, or < 5 cm long; perianth segments not markedly thickened at base; ovary superior

c. 75 genera, 1400-1500 spp., widespread.

Most members of this fairly large family are halophytes and occur around the coasts and in dry inland regions, especially those with temperate and subtropical climates.

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