Herpolirion Hook.f.
Fl. solitary, terminal. Per. wide open, later closing round developing fr.; tepals free, subequal, outer 5-, inner 3–(4)-nerved. Stamens 6; filaments glab., at least in upper half; anthers linear, almost basifixed, introrse. Ovary superior, subglobose, sessile, 3-locular; ovules ∞; style cylindric, narrowing to small stigma. Capsule bluntly trigonous, loculicidal, valves separating to about half way. Seeds black, ± oblong, hilum-scar long and narrow. Small glab., tufted, perennial herbs with wiry, creeping, underground stems and fibrous roots. Lvs linear; sheath open, broad, membr. Genus monotypic, found also in Tasmania and S.E. Australia.