Pennisetum Rich.
Type species: P. typhoideum Rich. nom. illeg.
Tufted or rhizomatous or straggling perennials; or annuals. Leaf-sheath loose, usually open. Ligule usually a ciliate rim, rarely membranous. Leaf-blade linear to lanceolate, flat, folded or convolute. Culm simple or much-branched. Inflorescence usually a dense, spike-like panicle with very numerous, very short branches falling with spikelets at maturity, and usually leaving scars on the rachis; rarely reduced to a few spikelets. Spikelets 2-flowered, solitary or in groups of 2 or 3 surrounded by an involucre of unequal glabrous or plumose bristles united at base; spikelets and bristles shed freely at maturity; lower floret ♂ or Ø, with or without palea, rarely ⚥; upper floret ⚥, or sometimes ♂ in lateral spikelets of a cluster. Glumes membranous, subequal, or the lower smaller, sometimes minute or 0; lower (0)-1-3-nerved, upper ≤ spikelet, (0)-1-9-nerved. Lower floret: lemma ≤ spikelet, membranous, (0)-3-9-(15)-nerved, enclosing narrow palea, or palea 0. Upper floret: lemma ≈ spikelet, chartaceous, (3)-5-7-(15)-nerved, glabrous or sometimes pubescent near margins; palea ≈ lemma and of similar texture; lodicules minute or 0; stamens 3, anthers occasionally penicillate; ovary apex glabrous, styles ± terminal, free or ± connate; caryopsis dorsiventrally compressed, embryo large, hilum punctiform.
c. 130 spp. of tropical and warm temperate regions. Naturalised spp. 7; transient sp. 1.