Pennisetum setaceum (Forssk.) Chiov.
fountain grass
Thickly tufted perennials, to 100 cm, light green at base with narrow, inrolled leaves; branching intravaginal. Leaf-sheath rounded, or slightly keeled above, subcoriaceous, margins long-ciliate. Ligule 0.3-0.7 mm, a membranous densely ciliate rim. Collar hairs to 2.5 mm. Leaf-blade 15-30 cm × 0.5-1.5 mm, rather stiff, folded or ± involute, long-tapering, adaxially very scabrid; margins very scabrid, with a few scattered long hairs, tip filiform, acute. Culm 30-45 cm, erect, internodes with many, fine, finely scabrid ridges. Panicle 8.5-20 cm, narrow-cylindric, ± dense, spike-like, often tinged reddish purple; rachis hairs short, soft. Spikelets 5-6-(6.5) mm, lanceolate, acute, pale green to purple, solitary or in clusters of 2-3 on ciliate pedicels to 3 mm; involucre of numerous, plumose, fine, unequal bristles (15-25 mm), one longer, though not stouter bristle (to 35 mm). Lower glume a hyaline scale to 1 mm, or 0, upper 2-2.5 mm, 1-nerved, hyaline, minutely scabrid. Lower floret Ø or ♂: lemma 4.5-5 mm, 3-(5)-nerved, membranous, nerves minutely scaberulous near tip; palea ≈ lemma, hyaline, rounded, keeled near tip, minutely scaberulous, or palea 0; anthers 2-3 mm, or 0. Upper floret ⚥: lemma 5.5-6 mm, 5-nerved, membranous, nerves scaberulous near mucronate tip; palea 4.5-5 mm, hyaline, keels scarcely scaberulous near tip; lodicules 0.3-0.4 mm; anthers 2-3 mm; styles connate, stigmas free; caryopsis c. 3 × 1.2 mm.
N.: North Auckland (Kaitaia, Warkworth), Auckland City, South Auckland (Pokeno, Thames, Hamilton), Wanganui; S.: Nelson (Richmond). Waste land, occasional near ornamental plantings.
Naturalised from north-eastern Africa.
Formerly grown in gardens under the name Pennisetum ruppellii Steud., a synonym of P. setaceum.